Monday, January 23, 2006
A breath of prayer in the morning
Means a day of blessing sure;
A breath of prayer in the evening
Means a night of rest secure;
A breath of prayer in our seekness
Means a clasp of a mighty hand;
A breath of prayer when we're lonely
Means someone to understand;
A breath of prayer in our sorrows
Means comfort peace and rest;
A breath of prayer in our doubtings
Assures us the Lord knows best;
A breath of prayer in our rejoicing
Gives joy and added delight;
For they that remember God's goodness
Go singing far into the night
There's never a year not a season
That prayer may not bless every hour,
And never a soul need be helpless
When linked with God's infinite power!
Posted by Unknown at 3:07 AM | Permalink |


  • At Saturday, April 08, 2006, Blogger samar

    Sat Sri Akaal!
    Your prose resonates with the strings of my heart.Dhan Waheguru.

    Ardaas-thats what a daas should do
    when nothing works,heart sinks,mind rues
    a beseeching cry from so deep down the heart,upward moves
    a moment in which mun-buddhi fuse.

    Naam Chit Aave.

    ps//Your is enlightening'n'interesting blog,keep up the good work.

  • At Saturday, April 08, 2006, Blogger Unknown

    Fateh ji

    Thank you for your comments ji. Very encouraging indeed.

    However the prose on Prayer has not been compiled by me, I got this from a collection of poems that I posses.

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