Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sun Benti....
Its been one of the most beautiful years of my life... Losing and gaining...ups and downs...times that have made me understand life better... meeting people who've given a completely new meaning to life...perhaps made life so beautiful...
I realised the value of things when i lost them... I realised how easily we take things for granted and when its no more ours... we realise its value...
I realised how invaluable and dear someone could be when you're not in touch for weeks...months...But I also learnt during this period, perhaps realised how small i was... a mortal who had dared to dream... who had wishes and in the desire to see them fulfilled, I forgot how undeserving I was! WAHEGUROOO...
Why do we ask Guru Maharaj for things... that are not in our hands...why don't we allow time to take its own course...
I feel I am burdening Guru Sahib everytime I go to HIS FEET... and ask for the same thing...But where else should I go and beg if not at Your feet???
"Mein Taarn Deebaar Tu Hain Mere Swamy Mein Tud Aagey Ardaas
Mein Hor Thaao Nahee Jis Peh Karho Benti Mera Dukh Sukh Tujh Hee Paas..."
I come to your doorstep asking for that happiness which You alone know means the world to me... I know am not deserving... and a mere mortal... a kiram... but I also know You're the father who loves His children too much... and that one never leaves from your doorstep empty handed...You have always given more than I could have ever imagined...
I stand here with folded hands... waiting to hear You... and bless me with that joy Maharaj...
I realised the value of things when i lost them... I realised how easily we take things for granted and when its no more ours... we realise its value...
I realised how invaluable and dear someone could be when you're not in touch for weeks...months...But I also learnt during this period, perhaps realised how small i was... a mortal who had dared to dream... who had wishes and in the desire to see them fulfilled, I forgot how undeserving I was! WAHEGUROOO...
Why do we ask Guru Maharaj for things... that are not in our hands...why don't we allow time to take its own course...
I feel I am burdening Guru Sahib everytime I go to HIS FEET... and ask for the same thing...But where else should I go and beg if not at Your feet???
"Mein Taarn Deebaar Tu Hain Mere Swamy Mein Tud Aagey Ardaas
Mein Hor Thaao Nahee Jis Peh Karho Benti Mera Dukh Sukh Tujh Hee Paas..."
I come to your doorstep asking for that happiness which You alone know means the world to me... I know am not deserving... and a mere mortal... a kiram... but I also know You're the father who loves His children too much... and that one never leaves from your doorstep empty handed...You have always given more than I could have ever imagined...
I stand here with folded hands... waiting to hear You... and bless me with that joy Maharaj...
Posted by Unknown at 9:26 AM
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At Sunday, December 31, 2006,
At Monday, January 01, 2007, Unknown
Gurfateh sis!
Receieved your warm wishes ji.. esp loved the Shabad you shared :) Thank you so much ji..I wish the same for you..
as in srigranth.org :
Mann beche(h) satgur ke(h) paas
tis sevak ke(h) karaj raas
Seva karat hoye(h) nehkaami
tis ko hot parapat swami
I don't remember Shabads myself ji :(.. so i refer to the website above..
sending warm wishes your way...
Puneet -
At Monday, January 01, 2007,
At Wednesday, January 03, 2007, Unknown
Hello Puneet
Thank you as always for leaving kind comments on my pages.
I read your post and for some reason this shabad came to mind:
Mann beche(h) satgur ke(h) paas
tis sevak ke(h) karaj raas
Seva karat hoye(h) nehkaami
tis sevak ko parapat swami.
Sorry, I have quoted from memory and may have made many mistakes in my recital. Please correct me if I have.
Hope all is well with you and hope the new year brings peace and contentment and as always a growth in your love for Guru ji.
My warmest regards