Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Leaf...
We look too far sometimes...
when all of a sudden we notice a leaf fallen at our feet...
Yes a leaf... says a lot...
Take a look at it carefully and feel the gleam its brought in your eyes...
It fell from one of the trees
that were swaying to the winds...
As the trees danced to the music of the rain...
One leaf was swept off...
A chosen one...
Just to fall at your feet...
To bring you a hope, a joy untold...
It may be just another leaf for our eyes but...
It may also be a gift of happiness, of a joy just waiting to warm you....

Don't let that leaf just lie down...
Hold it like a gift in your hands...
Like you'd hold a cherished gift from someone...

It has a lot to offer...
It has so much to say...
Listen to it and reap in the happiness in your heart.......

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Posted by Unknown at 11:42 PM | Permalink |


  • At Wednesday, August 12, 2009, Blogger Writers Anonymous

    Very well said! Often when in search of great happiness we tend to ignore life's little pleasures.

  • At Tuesday, September 08, 2009, Blogger Unknown

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Amritbir :)

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